Become a Distributor
Exclusive Geographic Territories
We are committed to promoting our distributors in their designated territories. We collaborate with our distributors to promote their company and the Kayden product line through our sales channels and online.

We are sensitive to our distributors' geographic exclusivities and endeavour to protect their sales territories.
Customer Service Excellence
Our ability to provide great customer service begins with our commitment to manufacture high-quality products, maintain reasonable inventories, package products with care, ship orders quickly, provide accurate in-stock status and work to rapidly handle any issues that may arise.
We Look Forward to Working With You
If you are interested in representing the Kayden brand in your territory, please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.

Message Us

Let Us Know About Your Business
If you've identified an unserved territory you'd like to manage and begin your collaboration with Kayden let us know about your business and submit your request.

Take a look at the distributor map below and identify an opportunity for your business.
View Distributor Map